Tuesday, January 12, 2010

a little catching up to do...

it has been a difficult year in some ways.

my dear friend judy died in early december from cancer. this is a photo of us a few months ago at our wonderful local yarn shop, cashmere cottage yarn , she was modeling her new cap. what a blessing it was to spend every wednesday afternoon knitting together with friends. i miss her, she was a great friend, and an amazing person, she leaves a huge hole in my life and it is a big change, an enormous loss.
and here is the picture of bliss, our cat aptly named luna who really enjoys reflecting sunlight. she has recovered well from her raccoon (known in our household as rac-ca-coon) encounter last summer, and this picture doesn't even show how well she has regained all the weight she lost during the ordeal! she has truly put on her fatty layers for the winter, and a luxuriant coat, all she is missing is most of her tail and a few toes and toenails. we are so thankful to have her!

since this was largely supposed to a chronicle of my knitting, here is one finished object. i have now completed two of these scarves and am working on a third, since it is a good take-it-with-me project to have in the car. i love the noro silk garden yarn, and the way the colors bounce off each other, but i wish the picture showed it up better. it is worked from two different skeins, alternating every two rows, each skein of yarn changes colors gradually. it is really fun.

the gaia shoulder hug is nearly done. i am working on the bind off/edging. my friend judy was a great encouragement for me to complete it, and my intention was to finish it in november, so hopefully soon.

on labor day weekend we went on a camping trip, and traveled by car to southern oregon/northern california. it was amira's first time camping, and she was very excited to sleep in a tent with a blow up air mattress. this was the morning after our first night, we camped at a place called ana reservoir on our way to goose lake.

this was taken near goose lake, alan ended up carrying amira for part of what was supposed to be a walk for all of us!

note the little ponies on the cake...amira celebrated her fifth birthday at a gymnastics place with 13 friends in attendance. lots of jumping and playing and cake. fun!

this year we carved pumpkins together, this was probably the most fun part, getting gooey...

christmas excitement....

and now, it's time to take down the tree.....*sigh*......and pack it away until next year!
that's all the catching up i'm going to do...hoping to start fresh and post regularly. wish me luck!


woolydaisy said...

i am so sorry about the loss of your friend.

i'm glad to see you are posting again.

thinking of you!

Jon's Journey said...

Great catch up! I miss you my sister! I wished I could have come over to Wenatchee when over at the Island but it didn't work out that way! I heard Alan had a favorable report on the Cali property!Call anytime and I will do the same! Love , Jon

Amanda said...

I am so sorry about your friend. I can imagine the loss you feel and wish I could be there. Please call me the next time you need to talk about anything. Our talk last night was so refreshing and, of course, reinforced how much I miss you (and Amira).